Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Home Appraisal?
Most home appraisals are completed for the mortgage industry as it is a requirement whenever a mortgage is involved in buying, refinancing, or selling a home. A licensed appraiser completes this estimation by comparing and calculating recent competing home sales from the market area of the home being appraised.
What does an appraiser look for during a Real Estate Appraisal?
An appraiser looks at several factors when conducting an appraisal, the most important of which is the market value of a property. To determine this value, an appraiser typically considers the following factors:

1) Location

The location of the property is a major factor in determining its value, as properties in desirable areas tend to be more valuable.

2) Property size and features

The size of the property and its features, such as the number of rooms, square footage, and age, are all important factors in determining its value.

3) Physical condition

The physical condition of the property, including any major repairs that may be needed, will be assessed.

4) Market Trends

An appraiser will consider current market trends, such as the local real estate market, demand for similar properties, and sales data for similar properties.

5) Economic conditions

The local and national economy, interest rates, and unemployment rates can all impact the value of a property.

6) Zoning and land use

Zoning laws and land use regulations will be considered, as they can impact the potential use and value of a property.

7) Comparable sales

The appraiser will research and compare recent sales of similar properties in the area to determine the market value of the property being appraised. Overall, the appraiser's job is to gather and analyze all of this information to determine an accurate estimate of the market value of the property.
Do I have to be home for the Appraisal?
No. Access could be provided by a relative, neighbor, door code or a key provided. Our appraisers have regular criminal record background checks.
Does my home have to be clean?
No. The appraiser is there to inspect the attached components of the home, not the contents.
Do you need to see the basement and garage?
Yes, the appraiser is required the inspect the entire property.
Will the appraiser be able to provide the value at the time of the inspection?
No. The inspection is simply a process in which the appraiser is determining the size, condition, and layout of the property. The valuation takes place at the appraisers’ office. For a residential appraisal this will be completed usually a day after the inspection.
Consultation and Strategy Session
We’ll get together (in-person or virtually) to discuss what you’re looking for and your budget, priorities, and goals. We’ll also go over the process, market conditions in the area(s) you’re looking, and work through any questions. If you’re new to the city or not sure exactly where you want to be, I’ll coordinate resources, tours, etc. to help you decide which neighborhood(s) and areas may be a good fit.

The goal for this session is to build a strong strategy around your specific needs, and ensure you are as comfortable as possible with the steps ahead.
House (or Apartment) Hunt
I’ll create a shortlist of properties and/or buildings that meet your criteria, also taking into consideration budgetary requirements and potential incentives/deals. We will then tour any that are of interest to you (in-person or virtually). We can see as many (or as few) as it takes to find the right one, and I’ll be there every step of the way to coordinate, provide feedback, and work on due diligence so you make an informed decision.
I’ll support you through the application process, coordinate as needed, and do everything I can to secure you the perfect place at the best terms possible.
Ongoing Support
My job doesn’t end when the lease is signed. Whether it’s helping you coordinate moving day or answering a question three years down the road, I see my role as a lifelong real estate advisor and resource. I’m here to support you in any and all real estate needs. I’m always on call if you have any questions and, depending on what your plans and goals are, I’ll proactively work to get you there - whether that’s finding you the next best deal as your lease ends, getting you ready to buy a place down the road, or connecting you with the best resources outside of the Chicagoland area if you move elsewhere. Consider me your eyes and ears for all things real estate.
Consultation and Strategy Session
We’ll get together (in-person or virtually) to discuss the property, as well as your priorities, goals, and timeline. We’ll also go over the process, market conditions, and work through any questions. The goal for this session is to build a strong strategy around your specific needs, and ensure you are as comfortable as possible with the steps ahead.
Either during this session or at a later time, I’ll also do a walkthrough of the property to understand the nuances of it and make sure we have a strong pricing strategy. If there are opportunities to increase the price and/or marketability of your home, I’ll present all of those options to you as well.
Prep & List Your Home
Once we decide on a strategy, I’ll work with you to get your home prepped for sale. Whether that involves doing some home improvement projects to maximize price, staging a vacant property, or just helping get things organized, I’ll make it as seamless as possible for you. We’ll also go through the initial paperwork and any prep work required for the marketing efforts. There is no rush on this part of the process. I can move as quickly as you’d like me to, but if you’re just exploring your options or have a time frame that’s further out, that’s fine too. I’ll keep you updated on market conditions until you’re ready.
I offer all of the bells and whistles as it relates to marketing your property, including professional photography, virtual staging, digital ads, video tours, 3D tours, open houses, broker opens, personal outreach, and more. The exact combination of marketing activities will be constructed via a strategy that is tailored to your specific property, while also factoring in market conditions and with emphasis on precision and efficiency. I will also coordinate and attend showings with prospective buyers to ensure your home is always presented effectively.
Offer & Negotiation
Once we receive an offer (or offers) on your property, I will complete any necessary diligence required to vet the offers and present you with your options. While the decision is ultimately yours, I will act as an advisor to help you make the best decision and will fiercely negotiate to get you the best price and terms possible. 
Once an offer is accepted, we’ll typically begin the attorney review and inspection period, which usually spans 5-7 days after you accept an offer and the contract is signed. This may vary based on what specific contingencies and time frames we’ve agreed on with the buyer, but I will always strive to get you the best possible terms in that regard. During this period, I’ll coordinate all parties involved in this process and ensure your interests are protected throughout.
Next Steps
Once the attorney review period concludes, the buyer will typically work to secure financing and we’ll coordinate on any tasks required from us to support that process. I’ll stay on top of everyone involved to ensure we make it to the closing table as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We’ll get the property ready for the move-out (if applicable) and final walkthrough, finalize the paperwork, and close.
Ongoing Support
My job doesn’t end at the closing table. Whether it’s on moving day or five years later, I see my role as a lifelong real estate advisor and resource, so I’m here to support you in any and all real estate needs. I’m always on call if you have any questions, and will always be your eyes and ears for all things real estate.
Consultation and Strategy Session
We’ll get together (in-person or virtually) to discuss the type of property and investment you’re looking for, as well as your budget, timeline, ideal return, priorities, and goals. We’ll also go over the process, market conditions in the area(s) you’re looking in, and work through any questions.

The goal for this session is to build a strong strategy around your specific needs, and ensure you are as comfortable as possible with the steps ahead.Whether you’re a seasoned investor who knows exactly what you’re looking for, a first-time investor who is exploring options, or somewhere in between, I’m here to help and will tailor the process to your specific needs.
Property Identification & Selection
We’ll review properties that meet your criteria and tour any that are of interest to you (in-person or virtually). We’ll see as many (or as few) as it takes to find the right one, and I’ll be there every step of the way to coordinate, provide feedback, and work on extensive due diligence so you make an informed decision.
Offer & Negotiation
Once we find a property that you like, we’ll come up with an offer strategy together. This strategy takes multiple factors into consideration - current market conditions, short-term and long-term trends in the area, existing offers, comparables, exterior condition, interior condition, what we know of seller preferences, etc. I’ll present the offer and fiercely represent your interests during negotiation to get you the best price and terms possible.
Acceptance & Next Steps 
Once the offer is accepted, we’ll work through the contract contingencies, earnest money deposits, securing financing, and anything else required to get to a successful close. I’ll represent and protect your interests throughout, and coordinate with all parties to make the process as smooth as possible.
Ongoing Support
My job doesn’t end at the closing table.I see my role as a lifelong real estate advisor and resource, so I’m here to support you in any and all real estate needs. I’m always on call if you have any questions, and will be your eyes and ears for all things real estate, especially as it relates to achieving your short-term and long-term goals with your investment. 
Consultation and Strategy Session
Not sure exactly what your real estate game plan is? Not a problem! I’m happy to get together (in-person or virtually) to help you figure that out.

Want to buy down the road, but not sure how to get there? I can help you figure out a game plan.
Ready to trade up or find your forever home, but need to figure out a way to buy before you sell or time two transactions at once? I can help navigate.
Or, maybe you want to dip your toes in the water on investing or house-hacking to see if it’s for you? I can help with that too.

Even if you’re planning a move outside of Chicagoland, I got you covered on that as well, and can connect with you resources that I will personally vet and match up to your specific needs.
Execute on Your Strategic Plan
Once we come up with a strategic plan that meets your needs and objectives, I’ll help you achieve it however I can and on a timeline that makes sense for you, whether that’s something that we start on right away or even if it's years down the road. I’ll be your eyes and ears on all things real estate, and work to earn the role of a lifelong real estate resource.

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